To express my ideas of layering, growth and the building up of sediment, I created a small series of mixed media collages. I wanted this series to be the beginning of something that could have the potential to grow into something bigger, as more building blocks could be added, giving this idea of never ending growth, similar to the idea of time being continuous. I included segments of photography from inside the church, and layered over the acrylic paint to invoke a sense of continuation and growth using. From a distance it is difficult to tell which medium is being used.
I have continued to use this melancholic colour scheme throughout the series to carry forward the themes of my project. I also wanted to make obvious the depth of the space; areas in the foreground are lit up due to the flash photography, and as the space descends into the background, it becomes darker.
Below is a fully photographic collage image. I attempted to use a range of different photos of the interior, mixing them together so they appear to be one image. This piece is made up of 5 different images combinated by hand. I used the interior structural aspects of the space to allow the images to flow into one another. I find this method of collage very interesting because at first glance, the piece looks as if it were real, twisting across the page. On closer inspection we can see the composition is made up of multiple images.
These works and others from the series are available for sale. Please enquire by emailing